In the Heart of the Sea is a 2015 historical adventure-drama film directed and produced by Ron Howard and written by Charles Leavitt. Adapted from Nathaniel Philbrick's non-fiction book of the same name, about the sinking of the American whaler Essex in 1820, which inspired Herman Melville's 1851 novel Moby-Dick. The film follows the crew of the Essex as they struggle to survive in the open ocean after being stranded by the whale attack. The film stars Chris Hemsworth as the first mate of the Essex, Benjamin Walker as the captain, and Tom Holland as a young cabin boy.
Classic Roman Regular is the font used for the film title in the poster. Classic Roman, an all-capitals headline typeface that draws inspiration from Roman inscriptions, and is quite close to Trajan font. The inscribed font is a stylish option for headlines in both traditional and modern designs.