Prince of Persia is a video game franchise created by Jordan Mechner. The series is known for its acrobatic platforming gameplay. The main character is the Prince of Persia, who must navigate through various levels and defeat enemies to save his kingdom. Prince of Persia's logo has been consistent since 2003 Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.
The logotype is similar to a font created by Fereydoun named Prince of Persia. In addition to basic letters, the font is available in seven Prince of Persia game-related symbols. For example, type “Alt+0161” and you get the Astrolabe symbol, other five are Kaileena’s symbol via “Alt+0164”, Babylon’s symbol via “Alt+0162”, Dagger symbol via “Alt+0134”, Hourglass symbol via “Alt+0240”, Amulet symbol via “Alt+0160” and Prince symbol via “Alt+0137”.